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We notice you've added quite a few items to your basket. So these items aren't lost, we've temporarily saved them to your device as a browser cookie.
To access your basket at any time from any device, please save this basket now.
Alternatively, you can save it later using the Save Basket button at the top of the basket page.
We hope this helps.
On submission of the form below the cart will be saved as a quote against your name, the customer will be support ticketed with the quote and an entry will be added automatically to the quote log.
Your quotation has been sent to the customer.
If you have already created a shopping basket and have a basket recovery code, please enter it below to retrieve your basket on this device.
© Copyright 2003 - 2025 . DIY Kitchens. All rights reserved. Diy Kitchens is a trading name of Ultima Furniture Systems Ltd, a company registered in England and Wales under Company Registration No: 01918871, VAT Registration No: 436502956. Registered office: Ultima Furniture Systems Limited, Unit 26 Lidgate Crescent, Langthwaite business park, South Kirkby , West Yorkshire, WF9 3NR.
Unfortunately you have discontinued items or items in a door style not compatible with the highlighted kitchen units in your basket.
To proceed and checkout your order you need to replace or remove these items from your basket.
All these items can be found highlighted in red.
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01977 608 418
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